Video Production


 It is a process of producing video content either for TV, social media, home video or internet. Basically it is equivalent to film making. The videos are recorded on video tapes as analog signals. If videos are recorded in computer files they are digitize digitally on optical disc which include hard drives, memory card, CD drive or magnetic tape.

Stages of video production

Manually there are three stages of video production:

  • Pre production

  • Production

  • Post production

1.Pre production:

It is the necessary step taken before video making. It includes planning how the video has been made. It involves script writing, logistics, scheduling and administrative duties.


It is a process of video production in which video content has been captured. Basically it is a type of film making. The electronic moving images convert into the video content. 

3.Post production:

After creation is the activity of specifically joining those video cuts through video altering into a completed item that recounts a story or conveys a message in either a live occasion setting (live creation), or after an occasion has happened (after creation).

Types of videos:

There are different varieties of videos production. It include:

  • Tv commercials

  • Tv production

  • Internet commercials

  • Corporate videos

  • Product videos

  • Customer testimonial video


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